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Setting the scene: our brochure

To learn more about our bespoke workshops and how they can benefit your team, click on the link below to get our brochure.


“As a result of the session, 100% of attendees knew what they needed to do to increase their impact”

Nikki Fincham
(Group L&D Director)

“Colleagues found abilities they didn’t realise they had & overcame quite significant barriers”

Simon Gosney
(Head of L&D)

“On average, participants ability increased by 27.35% as a result of the training”

Emma Levy
(L&D Manager)

Get away from training that doesn’t carry through to the workplace.

There’s no point commissioning learning solutions that get good feedback but make no difference at work. Our proven practical methodology is psychologically safe, enabling participants to stretch themselves, increasing confidence and overcoming barriers they often didn’t realise they had. A recent survey of past participants, conducted 6 months after delivery, reported a 27.35% increase in skill.

Tangible results from 5+ years of upskilling workforces

Over the last 5+ years my company is proud to have:

  • Been a Prince’s Trust Supported Business
  • Designed and delivered over 260 courses, workshops and interventions using my background as a professionally trained actor and facilitator.
  • Supported over 2,400 participants to increase their people skill competencies.
  • Helped over 35 organisations improve the productivity and wellbeing of their workforce.

– Robert Kirby – company founder & director

Our clients love us (and we love them)

“I see the learning popping up all the time! You can’t ask for more than that”

– Jodie Lowe (Talent & Development Partner)

“Delivered content that challenged staff, while offering practical tools to take away in the day to day.”

– Claire Anderson (Head of People)

“Robert’s approach is individual to everyone who has the pleasure of being trained by him.”

– Billie Barnes (Learning & Development Manager)


Increase the revenue individuals create for your business and give them better people skills

Book a virtual coffee and if you like our approach, we’ll give you a free, live and interactive workshop for up to ten team members!

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